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Nice to Meet You

My Name is Sarah Bartley and I was born in England, I grew up with dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, mice & ​horses. My mom taught me about mother nature and how we should co-exist with her & respect all creatures including the scary ones, like spiders & snakes.

In 2001, I ​quit my long time bank job, sold everything and

set off to travel America, but t​hat’s a whole other story.

I am a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT).

I help humans understand and co-exist with their dogs. I love my life and I’m passionate about what I do. We are all dealing with different challenges on a daily basis. Every person’s situation is unique and so are the dogs​ that we share our lives with.

Everyday the dogs in my life teach me patience and to enjoy the now. I’m always studying everything and anything related to dogs.

That’s me in a nutshell, I can’t wait to meet you and your dog.

2014 Confident K9 LLC
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